Where to buy Atola products

Atola Technology (Canada) sells in:

  • USA, Canada, Mexico
  • South America, Central America
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Australia, New Zealand
  • India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

Order an Atola imager

Give us a call (10am – 6pm ET)
+1 888 540-2010
+1 416 833-3501
or order online.

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Order a subscription extension

Atola products come with a complimentary 1st year of subscription. Keeping your subscription updated secures your lifetime warranty and access to software updates.

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Contact our local partners directly

South America

Brazil Apura
Chile DigitoForense
Colombia Coinsa SAS
Ecuador Alpheratz


Egypt S.A.T. Trading
Nigeria Data Recovery Specialist Limited
All countries Chenaniah Solutions
Risk Diversion

Middle East

All countries S.A.T. Trading
MHC Hardware & Software Trading
Teel Technologies

LS Consulting,
+972 9 835-1229
+972 54 447-6585

Jordan Al-Faiha For Laboratories & Scientific Supplies
Qatar Mannai InfoTech
Saudi Arabia Arab Security

Central America

All countries ITD Group

Partnership with Atola Technology

If you have ever wondered how to develop your brand, this is the place for you. Take a big step forward in growing your business with Atola hardware imagers.

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